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Financial Spreadsheets

The Financial Spreadsheets module covers the advanced skills needed to produce sophisticated reports, perform complex mathematical and statistical calculations, and improve productivity using a spreadsheet application.

Spreadsheets are an important tool for managing and analysing financial data. But taking advantage of the more advanced features that spreadsheet tools offer needs deeper, enhanced skills. This module will help professionals use the complex capabilities of spreadsheet tools to understand data and make informed decisions.

This module is suitable for people who are already proficient in common spreadsheet activities, such as those covered in the ICDL Spreadsheets module. It looks at elements of spreadsheet use most relevant to people working in finance roles.

Learning Outcomes

Successful candidates will be proficient using the advanced features of spreadsheet tools for the analysis of financial data. After passing this module, candidates will feel confident using spreadsheets to carry out logical, statistical, financial, and mathematical operations. They will be able to:

– understand functions such as those associated with logical, statistical, financial, and mathematical operations;
– use tables and lists to analyse, filter, sort, validate, and audit data, as well as create and use scenarios;
– apply advanced formatting options such as conditional formatting, customised number formatting, and chart formatting;
– use linking, embedding and importing features as well as comparing and merging spreadsheets;
– understand the productivity and security features of spreadsheet tools.


The syllabus for the Financial Spreadsheets module, which sets out the specific skills and knowledge that you will learn and against which you will be certified, can be downloaded here.