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Databases (Advanced)

The Databases (Advanced) module sets out key database concepts and covers the use of a relational database application to create an advanced database structure and outputs.

The Databases (Advanced) module covers the tools available in database applications to better manage and organise structured information. Effective use of these tools to manage and analyse high volumes of data can produce the quantity and quality of information that business today demands.

Learning Outcomes

Successful candidates will be able to use a database application to create and work with databases. After passing this module, candidates will feel confident entering, moving, editing, and deleting data, as well as performing common database tasks. They will be able to:

– understand key concepts of database development and usage;
– create a relational database using advanced table creation features and complex relationships between tables;
– design and use queries to create a table, update, delete and append data;
– refine queries using wildcards, parameters and calculations;
– use controls and subforms to enhance forms and improve functionality;
– create report controls to perform calculations;
– create subreports and enhance report presentation; and
– enhance productivity by working with macros and use linking and importing features to integrate data.


The syllabus for the Databases (Advanced) module, which sets out the specific skills and knowledge that you will learn and against which you will be certified, can be downloaded here.

Sample Tests

Do you want to better understand the Databases (Advanced) module and how we test skills and knowledge? 

Try out the Databases (Advanced) sample tests here to get a feel for the coverage of the module, or practice before your certification test.